
Svenpad Folio Moleskine Private Edition

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Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 18924

  • Added: October 19, 2022

  • Sale Price: £95

  • Condition: Brand New

  • Location: United Kingdom

  • City: Isle of Wight

  • Views: 1380


This is the truly exquisite SvenPad® Folio Moleskine. For the past 4 years this has remained a SECRET PRODUCT. This is not available through dealers.

Each one of these 100% genuine handcrafted Moleskines takes 3 full days and 5 man hours to complete. There is nothing more perfect or innocent.

Behold your daily “dream journal” that you scribble out each morning at sunrise, filled with your creativity. This is your pad of new ideas; this is the repository where you jot down creative inspirations & affirmations. The possibilities are endless. SvenPad®Folio Moleskine is a game changer. This is not just a killer prop, but destined to be a treasured keepsake.

Our Folio Moleskine represents 2+ years of painstaking development and experimentation; as requested long ago by many of the world’s top pros to answer the question of remaking an iconic notebook everyone knows, into something with a powerful secret.

The Folio Moleskine will never be mass produced. They are only made every so often and then are only available to those who know what to ask for – since they are never on display.

Each SvenPad® Folio is hand crafted by hand one at a time starting with a genuine Moleskine®, using an exclusive process with the level of insane precision and no compromise quality that you have come to expect in genuine SvenPads®

This is brand new, unused in the presentation box. A true collectors piece.

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