
Destiny Deck from Card Shark

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Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 18919

  • Added: October 18, 2022

  • Sale Price: £50

  • Condition: Brand New

  • Location: United Kingdom

  • City: Isle of Wight

  • Views: 1111



This is a brand new deck.
This is a deck (not just a single effect) that was more than four years in the making to get it to this level of perfection. Imagine Christoph Borer’s Get Sharky, voted Trick of the Year, and improve it in a way to give you more freedom to show the selected card. And then add great routines to it that are so magical and different. You will have the feeling of getting not just one trick but a collection of effects that are so strong, they stand by themselves! (Just do one of them for your audience and you will kill them!)

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